About Leana May

Pediatric Global Health Deliver Fellow, Humanitarian, World Traveler, Buddhist, Adventure Seeker, Eclectic Soul.img_0795

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away.”

8 responses to “About Leana May

  1. duke


    Thanks for the plug for THE REAL 100. Some really cool things launching this Fall…will keep you posted.

    Hope all is great!


  2. Hey! You seem like a really interesting person. I love what I’ve read of your blog so far.

  3. abs

    Good to see another doctor “unravelling”! I hope you are enjoying the course

  4. Have you ever watched a movie on television that caught your interest? And just when the best part of the movie was about to unfold, you get interrupted. Interrupted by something stupid like a phone call, or E-mail or the takeout delivery guy and you miss the best part. I mean the best part, the part when the main character does something that all the other characters knew that she was capable of. The part that reminds you why some many people says, “Yeah, that was a great story!” And when you sit alone and think about the events of your day, your month, your year and you think, “I wish I would have not missed the end of that story.” Stumbling on to this page makes me wonder how the rest of the story unfolded and just what a great story I missed.

    Wishing you all the best, from the last four years and only the best in the future….

  5. Love your blog! Looking forward to meeting you @ OMG!

  6. Leana…

    To think my post about Zenpeacekeeper’s 30 days of yoga, which was nothing more than my way of saying thank you to her (since I can’t ‘force’ people to try the 30 days!lol), brought YOU to my neck of the woods, which lead me to this beautiful cyberhome of yours, how can one not believe in the Divine whisper that connects us all and leads us to exactly what we need.

    So happy you are doing 30 days of yoga. Moreover, will be stopping by here often. 🙂 And will follow you on twitter as well.



  7. Linni

    Hi Leana,

    Have you met Maggie yet? I think you will love her!! She is amazing.
    Enjoy reading about her. xx

  8. Kacem

    Hi Leana,

    I liked your blog posts, I’ll be following you 🙂

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